Power of influence: Social Media Influencers

In recent years, a new trend came by in social media platform especially Instagram, which is Influencer Marketing. We all have this question in our mind whenever we are scrolling through Instagram: Why a normal ad where a person holding a drink can achieve so many likes?

First of all, influencer marketing has been one of the fastest growing online trends in 2017 and marketers are willing to spend huge money for these campaigns in 2018 and so on. These influencers start by posting something they have huge passion about on social media. One of my friends is also a social media influencer in my country, she started off by posting pictures of herself in a beautiful dress with fashion tips. With her pretty appearance as well, she slowly gets more followers along the few years and became an influencer.

So, how can you use influencer marketing to help in your business?

  1. Find the best candidate for your product on Instagram. For an example, if you are trying to promote a sports drink, it is best if you choose an athlete for the campaign.
  2. Most influencers have their business e-mail on their abouts, negotiate with them such as paying them by uploading a post of them talking about the product or offer them your service/goods.

    A social influencer in UK
  3. After agreeing to the terms, pay the influencer while waiting for them to make a post about your product.


According to a study from Influencer Marketing Hub, every $1 spent on influencer marketing can generate an average of $7.65 profit. So, what are you waiting for? Start on to find an influencer to generate revenue for your business! Also, is there any popular social influencer that you know that advertise sponsored products in a creative way, do share with us!


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